

wan gang attends beijing main venue activities of 2022 national science popularization day program

date:2022-09-20 17:32:56 views:496

the 2022 national science popularization day beijing main venue activities were held in the china science and technology museum (cstm) on september 19, 2022.



wan gang, vice chairman of the national committee of the chinese people’s political consultative conference (cppcc) and president of the china association for science and technology (cast), attended the event.


zhang yuzhuo, secretary of the leading party members group, vice president in charge of daily work and chief executive secretary of the secretariat of cast, also attended the event.


wan gang and his group visited the exhibitions of four parts, respectively named "welcoming the 20th national congress of the communist party of china (cpc) and embarking on a new journey", "10 years’ endeavour of science popularization for china’s brilliant future", "science popularization empowering innovation in a new era", and "making efforts to embrace new days with new development ”.


the on-site participants including sci-tech professionals, volunteers and teenagers made video connection to exchange ideas with researchers of the national field scientific observation and research station of amur tiger and amur leopard biodiversity.



wan gang said that president xi jiping emphasized that science popularization should be placed at the same important position as sci-tech innovation and the both are two wings to achieve innovation and development.


it is of great significance to organize the 2022 national science popularization day serial activities when the whole country is welcoming the 20th cpc national congress, said wan, adding that efforts should be made to strengthen science popularization work to encourage people to pursue their scientific dreams and release the creativity of the whole society to create a sound atmosphere of loving science and advocating innovation.


wan stressed that with the advance of science and technology, the demands of the general public for quality-oriented science popularization services are growing gradually.


wan urged that efforts should be made to provide audience-targeted and quality-oriented science popularization services to the general public, especially those in grassroots communities and rural areas.


wan stressed that focus must be put on the need of key groups including the seniors, the youngsters and the ones who play positive roles in rural revitalization, and build a science popularization system to serve quality-oriented development.


wan urged science popularization practitioners to play the role as intermediary and catalyst to make new achievements in the science popularization work.



the national science popularization day program has been held for 18 consecutive years with a total of 322,000 key activities embodied since it was initiated in 2004.


with the theme of "welcoming the 20th national congress of the cpc and promoting future-oriented science popularization ", this year's activities in main venue beijing were co-sponsored by cast, the publicity department of the central committee of the cpc, the office of the central cyberspace affairs commission, the ministry of education (moe), the ministry of science and technology (most), china atomic energy authority (caea), the ministry of natural resources, the ministry of ecology and environment, the ministry of water resources, the ministry of agriculture and rural affairs, the national health commission, the ministry of emergency management, the state assets administration committee of the state council, the chinese academy of sciences (cas), the chinese academy of engineering (cae), the national forestry and grassland administration, the all-china federation of industry and commerce, the china writers association (cwa) and the people's government of beijing municipality.


xu yanhao, deputy secretary of the leading party members group of cast, meng qinghai, full-time vice president and executive secretary of the secretariat of cast, shu wei, yin hao, wang jinzhan, zhang guihua, members of the leading party members group and executive secretaries of the secretariat of cast, li meng, member of the leading party members group and vice minister of the most, zhu chengqing, vice minister of water resources, song yuanming, member of the party committee and vice minister of the ministry of emergency management department, zhou qi, member of the leading party members group and vice president of the cas, zhong zhihua, member of the leading party members group and vice president of the cae, tan guangming, member of the leading party members group and deputy director of the national forestry and grassland administration, qiu huadong, executive secretary of the secretariat of the cwa, deng ge, secretary-general of the caea, jin wei, member of the standing committee of beijing municipal party committee and deputy mayor of the beijing, and heads of relevant departments and bureaus of the co-sponsors participated in the main venue activities.


tag: department of science popularization of cast, science communication
